Study Guide

Field 235: School Counselor 
Sample Multiple-Choice Questions

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Each multiple-choice question has four answer choices. Read each question and its answer choices carefully and choose the ONE best answer.

During the test you should try to answer all questions. Even if you are unsure of an answer, it is better to guess than not to answer a question at all. You will NOT be penalized for choosing an incorrect response.

Objective 0001 
Understand theories, principles, and processes of human growth and development.

1. A school counselor is participating on a student support team for a third-grade student who is having behavioral difficulties. The team has gathered achievement data, disciplinary data, and anecdotal information about the student. Which of the following additional strategies would best support the counselor in helping plan an appropriate intervention for the student?

  1. making a video recording of the class to evaluate the student's interactions with peers
  2. administering an individual intelligence assessment to rule out potential disabilities or delays related to the targeted behavior
  3. interviewing the student to collect information about the student's perceptions of school
  4. gathering observational data of the student in various settings to determine the frequency and potential triggers of the targeted behavior
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Correct Response: D.
An underlying principle of effective and appropriate interventions is gaining an understanding of the antecedents and/or root causes of problematic behaviors. Direct observation of the student in different settings will enable the school counselor to gain first-hand information about the behaviors in question, their frequency, and possible antecedents. Taken in conjunction with the other data provided about the student, this additional information would enable the school counselor to rule out some types of interventions and target problem behaviors in an appropriate way.

Objective 0002 
Understand learning theories, processes, and needs related to academic development in the school-age population.

2. To provide a strong foundation for successful learning, a school counselor should focus efforts primarily on helping students:

  1. practice skills for communicating their personal perspectives and needs.
  2. gain problem-solving abilities.
  3. develop a positive academic self-concept and sense of competency.
  4. demonstrate personal responsibility.
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Correct Response: C.
Academic self-concept is the perception that a student has about his/her own academic abilities and is a relevant variable in the academic world because of its influence on learning, cognitive functioning, academic achievement, and expectations of students. Students with high academic self-concept value their own abilities, accept challenges, take risks, and try new things. They also possess a higher motivation to complete difficult academic tasks and set higher goals. Students showing low academic self-concept exhibit less confidence in their academic aptitudes, tend to undervalue their talent, and have less cognitive and motivational resources than students with positive self-concept, which is reflected in generally lower academic performance.

Objective 0003 
Understand theories, processes, and needs related to the personal/social development of the school-age population.

3. As part of the school counseling curriculum, an elementary school counselor has fourth-grade students complete a personal inventory. The inventory includes questions about things students like to do, things students do well, and things that are difficult or boring. The inventory includes questions about different aspects of students' lives, such as school subjects, sports and hobbies, and relationships and families. Reviewing the results of this inventory is likely to benefit students in which of the following ways?

  1. motivating students to expand their interests to new areas
  2. helping students gain insight into their strengths, assets, and attitudes
  3. supporting students in establishing goals for improvement
  4. identifying for students potential topics for independent study projects
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Correct Response: B.
A well-constructed and comprehensive personal inventory can prompt students to reflect on aspects of their lives that they may not have previously thought about. This approach is a recognized practice for building students' self-awareness and knowledge of their strengths, their beliefs about school and learning, and the resources in their lives to which they can turn. Students with this self-knowledge are more likely to build on their insights to grow academically and personally.

Objective 0003 
Understand theories, processes, and needs related to the personal/social development of the school-age population.

4. The inclusion of which of the following topics would best enhance school safety programs?

  1. recognition of hazardous materials
  2. strategies for health and physical well-being
  3. staff assertiveness training
  4. cyberbullying awareness and prevention
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Correct Response: D.
The concept of safe schools extends beyond the physical environment. A positive school culture and appropriate student interactions are an essential component of safe schools. Most school safety programs address bullying and bystander behavior and teach students what is and is not acceptable. With students' growing use of various social media platforms, the need to address cyberbullying—what it is and how to address it—is becoming an important issue. Responding to this trend by adding cyberbullying awareness and prevention to school safety programs would effectively enhance these programs.

Objective 0004 
Understand career theories, college and career readiness, the world of work, and related life processes.

5. The rational decision-making model focuses primarily on which of the following processes?

  1. seeking input from individuals who will be affected by a given plan of action
  2. running a mental simulation of action script for achieving a desired outcome
  3. assessing the importance of a goal to recommend appropriate time investment
  4. considering the pros and cons of various alternatives to achieving a goal
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Correct Response: D.
The rational decision-making model describes a series of steps that decision makers should consider if the goal is to maximize the quality of outcomes. This model involves six steps—identifying the problem/goal, gathering information, analyzing the situation, developing options, evaluating options, and selecting a preferred option. In the step of evaluating options, the decision maker would consider the pros and cons of each option related to the overall goal.

Objective 0005 
Understand assessment principles, practices, and tools relevant to the school counseling program.

6. Which of the following assessment strategies would be most effective in assessing the personal/social development of fourth-grade students?

  1. having students respond in writing to a prompt focusing on an ethical problem
  2. using systematic observation of students during free-choice activities
  3. administering a rating scale that includes a self, teacher, and parent/guardian form
  4. engaging students in a small-group activity that requires cooperation
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Correct Response: C.
Rating scales are designed for reporters to record the degree to which a quality or behavior is present—in this case personal/social behaviors. The use of multiple reporting forms provides a more comprehensive assessment of personal/social development because the student's development is observed in different settings and from different perspectives.

Objective 0006 
Understand instructional planning and delivery and the developmental school counseling curriculum.

7. High school counselors have decided to incorporate brief skill development lessons into the counseling curriculum. Lessons will focus on strategies for coping with personal and academic stress as well as strategies for time management and organization. Which of the following outcomes is likely to be the most important benefit of these lessons?

  1. assisting students in acquiring broadly applicable life skills that support mental health and well-being
  2. helping close achievement gaps between different subgroups of students
  3. reinforcing that the school offers resources to support students with school or life challenges
  4. encouraging students to view their school experiences in a positive light
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Correct Response: A.
Effective coping strategies are beneficial for students in the moment and, more importantly, help students become adults who are able to adapt to the many often challenging situations that are an unavoidable part of life. This ability contributes significantly to the development of resiliency. Teaching students how to manage time effectively builds their self-discipline and ability to focus on important goals in all aspect of their lives.

Objective 0007 
Understand principles, processes, and strategies for individual counseling and individual educational planning.

8. A school counselor is working with a fourth-grade student who has a goal of earning a place on the school's intramural soccer team next year. The counselor is helping the student create an action plan to achieve the goal. In creating the action plan, the counselor should guide the student in considering primarily which of the following questions?

  1. Is this goal something I can realistically achieve?
  2. What steps do I need to take to achieve my goal?
  3. Do I need a concrete incentive to help me achieve my goal?
  4. How have other individuals achieved similar goals?
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Correct Response: B.
An action plan outlines a sequence of steps that must be taken or activities that must be performed by an individual or a group to reach one or more goals. The process of developing an action plan helps the individual to focus ideas and translate those ideas into concrete steps. In the situation described, the student has clearly defined a goal and timeframe. At this point, the counselor can best support the student in reaching the goal by helping the student think about the specific steps that would promote achievement of the goal.

Objective 0008 
Understand principles, processes, and strategies for group counseling in the educational setting.

9. During the working stage of the small-group counseling process, participants begin to demonstrate which of the following behaviors?

  1. challenging other members of the group and the counselor
  2. trying out identities, solutions, or new behaviors
  3. sharing personal experiences openly with the group
  4. exploring root causes of the core situation or problem
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Correct Response: B.
Group development goes through four stages: initial, transition, working, and ending. By the time a group reaches the working stage (also known as the norming stage), members have gotten to know one another and worked out their places in the group and their differences with other members. During the working stage, group communication and problem-solving abilities are at their peak. A successful group in working stage is characterized as positive and enthusiastic, a group where members support and challenge each other in applying solutions and internalizing new behaviors.

Objective 0008 
Understand principles, processes, and strategies for group counseling in the educational setting.

10. Research shows that cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) as a small-group counseling approach is most useful in helping individuals address which of the following issues?

  1. managing anxiety
  2. resolving family conflicts
  3. resisting peer pressure
  4. developing social skills
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Correct Response: A.
Cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) is the most widely used psychosocial, evidence-based intervention for improving mental health. CBT is based on the belief that thought distortion plays a role in the development and maintenance of psychological disorders. CBT is a talking therapy that can help manage problems by changing the way individuals think and behave. It is most commonly used to treat anxiety and depression.

Objective 0009 
Understand crisis prevention and intervention for students, families, and communities.

11. A fifth-grade student has been diagnosed with post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) after witnessing violence that resulted in the death of a neighbor. Educators who work with the student should be aware that which of the following behaviors most clearly indicates a possible PTSD episode?

  1. ongoing difficulty completing in-class assignments in group settings
  2. growing reluctance to participate in class activities and discussions
  3. sudden difficulty concentrating accompanied by dizziness or physical discomfort
  4. dramatic mood swings that last several weeks at a time and hinder daily functioning
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Correct Response: C.
Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) is a debilitating condition that follows an event that the individual finds terrifying, either physically or emotionally, causing the individual who experienced the event to have persistent, frightening thoughts and memories, or flashbacks, of the ordeal. In school-age children, these persistent thoughts or flashbacks interfere with students' ability to concentrate and are often accompanied by physical symptoms such as headaches, dizziness, stomachaches, or other types of physical discomfort.

Objective 0010 
Understand consultation and collaboration within the school and community.

12. A teacher approaches the school counselor for help with a classroom management problem. During the entry phase of consultation, the counselor can be most effective in supporting the teacher by addressing which of the following questions?

  1. What is the stage of the problem and the various factors at play?
  2. To whom does the teacher assign ownership of the problem?
  3. What type of intervention is likely to be the best solution to the problem?
  4. Does the counselor have the knowledge and skills to help solve the problem?
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Correct Response: A.
Consultation is an indirect service rendered by school counselors. The earliest stage of the consultation process, the entry stage, involves engaging the consultee in a discussion for the purpose of identifying the key concern or issue to be addressed in consultation and collecting preliminary information about the issue. For example, preliminary information may include an overview of the frequency, severity, and possible function of a specific student behavior.

Objective 0011 
Understand issues related to diversity and change, including the implications of individual and cultural differences for the school counseling program.

13. Young children who experience bullying related to factors such as culture, ethnicity, or religion have a higher risk of which of the following issues?

  1. significant delays in the development of coping skills
  2. social isolation and feelings of loneliness
  3. interpersonal relationships characterized by conflict
  4. limited mastery of academic skills
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Correct Response: B.
Bullying is an attempt to instill fear and self-loathing. Children who experience bullying related to culture, ethnicity, or religion often feel like outcasts based on their heritage, resulting in social isolation and loneliness. Bullying damages the individual's ability to view themselves as desirable and capable individuals and is significantly related to anxiety, depression, and diminished attachment.

Objective 0012 
Understand the development, management, and organization of the school counseling program, including the application of data-based decision making.

14. The first phase of development for a comprehensive school counseling program focuses primarily on which of the following activities?

  1. identifying goals and objectives for the program that are aligned with the school's mission
  2. researching best practices for improving student outcomes in similar populations
  3. working with stakeholders to articulate a philosophy and vision for the program
  4. gathering various types of data related to student achievement and behavior
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Correct Response: C.
Before determining the scope of the school counseling curriculum and services, school counselors must establish a focus for the program. To establish a program focus, school counselors work with stakeholders to identify beliefs about student achievement and how all students benefit from the school counseling program. Building on these beliefs, school counselors and stakeholders create a vision statement defining what the future will look like in terms of student outcomes. These components are the foundation of a high-quality school counseling program that meets the needs of all students.

Objective 0012 
Understand the development, management, and organization of the school counseling program, including the application of data-based decision making.

15. A school counselor who is working with a group of stakeholders to develop goals for the school counseling program uses the following criteria for exemplary program goals to guide this process.

Which of the following additional criteria would best ensure high-quality goals for the school counseling program?

  1. achievable using current resources
  2. approved by a school administrator
  3. extends desired outcomes from previous years
  4. stated in specific and measurable terms
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Correct Response: D.
A widely accepted model for developing goals is SMART, which stands for specific, measurable, attainable, realistic, and time frame. The only way to determine progress toward or achievement of a goal is to identify an observable or quantifiable behavior of performance. High-quality goals must be measurable in order to gather the relevant data or observations needed to determine the extent to which a goal has been achieved.

Objective 0013 
Understand research methods and program evaluation related to the school counseling program.

16. High school counselors who are considering ways to improve the number of seniors applying to college after high school have decided to implement action research to address this goal. Action research is an appropriate approach for this goal primarily because action research:

  1. is a local, pragmatic approach to solving problems specific to a school.
  2. addresses broad theoretical questions related to current issues in education.
  3. is a grassroots framework for promoting changes to broad educational policy.
  4. examines a broad range of data related to school improvement efforts.
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Correct Response: A.
Action research is a disciplined process of inquiry conducted by and for those taking the action. Educational action research can be engaged in by a single teacher, by a group of colleagues who share an interest in a common problem, or by the entire faculty of a school. Action research always involves the same seven-step process: selecting a focus, clarifying theories, identifying research questions, collecting data, analyzing data, reporting results, and taking informed action. School counselors can use action research to address the specific needs of their school population, taking into consideration variables that may not be present in all school populations.

Objective 0013 
Understand research methods and program evaluation related to the school counseling program.

17. Compared with aggregate data related to school counseling program services, examination of disaggregated data is more useful for which of the following purposes?

  1. analyzing the effectiveness of program services for different subgroups of students
  2. documenting the alignment of program services with the values of the school community
  3. identifying new services that are likely to meet the needs of diverse groups of students
  4. predicting the likely effectiveness of program services for new students entering the school
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Correct Response: A.
Data is often reported for whole populations (e.g., cohorts, year levels, whole class). This is called aggregate data. Disaggregating data means breaking down information into smaller subpopulations. For instance, breaking data down by grade level, racial/ethnic categories, or gender are all ways of disaggregating data. School counselors will want to look at disaggregated data to determine overall trends, identify specific needs, and set school-wide goals or targets.

Objective 0014 
Understand history, philosophy, issues, and trends in school counseling.

18. The Transformative Individual School Counseling model utilizes which of the following approaches to define problems?

  1. cognitive function assessment
  2. systematic intervention
  3. functional behavior assessment
  4. confrontational questioning
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Correct Response: C.
The Transformative Individual School Counseling model is aligned with the developmental preventative approach that emphasizes a paradigm shift in discipline toward strategies that promote student self-responsibility and a productive learning environment. The model utilizes a functional behavioral assessment approach that provides insight into students' motivation for misbehavior to define problems. The model also addresses problems through a systemic, solution-focused narrative approach and relies on single-case study designs to document the effectiveness of interventions.

Objective 0015 
Understand educational systems and organizations and techniques for providing systems support.

19. Every year, a school counselor publishes a series of parent/guardian tip sheets. The sheets are designed to provide parents/guardians with helpful information that they need to support and work with their children on academic, personal/social, and college/career issues. The counselor can best ensure the usefulness of the tip sheets by taking which of the following actions during the planning phase?

  1. selecting issues to address that are common across grade levels
  2. identifying topics that are related to the vision and mission of the school and counseling program
  3. increasing visibility with parents/guardians to gather information informally
  4. using various strategies to survey parents/guardians about the issues that are of most interest to them
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Correct Response: D.
An effective school counseling program is tailored to the specific characteristics and needs of the school population. Parents/guardians may experience different issues depending on various factors. For example, parents/guardians in urban settings may have different concerns and needs than those in rural settings and parents/guardians of color are likely to benefit from different supports than white parents/guardians. The tip sheets described will be effective in supporting parents/guardians if they are focused on the specific needs and concerns that are most relevant to parents/guardians. An effective way to gather information about these needs and concerns is through surveys.

Objective 0016 
Understand the professional orientation and identity of the school counselor, including legal and ethical standards and best practices in school counseling.

20. A school counselor has been experiencing exhaustion primarily due to a large caseload. In addition, the counselor feels a lack of personal accomplishment and professional effectiveness. These experiences most clearly indicate a need for the school counselor to:

  1. request personal time off from professional responsibilities to seek mental health therapy.
  2. suspend indirect services to the school community to devote quality time to direct services to students and families.
  3. identify techniques for managing multiple tasks that could be easily integrated into a busy schedule.
  4. develop preventative strategies such as a personal support network to help replenish emotional resources.
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Correct Response: D.
In a profession with high demands and an ongoing expectation to meet the needs of students and their families, faculty members, and administration, school counselors can often feel emotionally and physically drained. The A S C A Ethical Standards for School Counselors address self-care as an ethical mandate. In the position of trust, an aspect of the school counselor's role, each professional must be vigilant to self-care and of the impact personal impairment might have on the students and families with whom they work.