Study Guide

Field 256: World Language: Japanese 
Sample Multiple-Choice Questions

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Directions for Multiple-Choice Questions

Each question in this section of the test is a multiple-choice question with four answer choices. The questions may be in English or in the target language. Read each question and answer choice carefully and choose the ONE best answer.

You should answer all questions. Even if you are unsure of an answer, it is better to guess than not to answer a question at all. You will NOT be penalized for guessing.

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Sample Multiple-Choice Questions

Read the letter below from ; a novel by (Jiro Asada); then answer the seven questions that follow.

1 wait while getting worried

2 take the liberty of

3 turn out

4 performance

5 make yourself available by managing various interference

6 want you to attend

7 infer

Objective 0006 
Apply teaching and assessment strategies that provide students with opportunities to communicate in the target language in meaningful and authentic ways and that promote students' ability to reinforce and further their knowledge of other disciplines.

1. Which of the following writing assignments based on the letter would best promote students' interpersonal communication skills in an Advanced-level Japanese class?

  1. Create an ad that would be placed in the program for the final performance.
  2. Write the history of the theater's almost fifty years of existence.
  3. Compose a letter to the ailing owner expressing concern and gratitude.
  4. Write a summary of the letter and predict consequences of the theater's closing.
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Correct Response: C. Composing a letter in Japanese expressing concern for, and gratitude to, the ailing owner of the theater will promote students' interpersonal communication skills in meaningful and authentic ways. It will help students learn and use in context the appropriate vocabulary for writing interpersonal letters and expressing personal feelings in Japanese.

Objective 0003 
Demonstrate literal comprehension of a variety of culturally authentic printed and digital materials (e.g., e-mails, posters, Web sites, maps, graphs, periodicals, novels).

2. この手紙が書かれた主な理由は何ですか。

  1. ある館の開館五十周年を記念するため。
  2. ある館の最終興行(こうぎょう(を案内するため。
  3. ある館の館主交代を発表するため。
  4. ある館の休業を通知するため。
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Correct Response: B. The transition word (now) indicates the beginning of the body of the letter, which starts with the announcement of the closing of the theater, , followed by another transition word (therefore) that leads to the main point of the letter, which is to invite the addressees to the last performance of the theater. The final part of the letter also reminds the addressees to be careful not to miss this last performance, , reinforcing the main point of the letter one last time.

Objective 0003 
Demonstrate literal comprehension of a variety of culturally authentic printed and digital materials (e.g., e-mails, posters, Web sites, maps, graphs, periodicals, novels).

3. 正式な手紙の基本的な様式に基づいた場合、この手紙の頭語である「拝啓(はいけい)」に対する結語(結びの言葉)は何になりますか。

  1. 前略(ぜんりゃく)
  2. 謹啓(きんけい)
  3. 敬具(けいぐ)
  4. 早々(そうそう)
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Correct Response: C. The basic structure of Japanese formal letters includes opening and closing words. These are set words used in pairs. The most common pair used is Haikei () at the opening, and Keigu () at the closing of the letter.

Objective 0004 
Infer meaning and analyze information from a variety of culturally authentic printed and digital materials (e.g., e-mails, posters, Web sites, maps, graphs, periodicals, novels).

4. この手紙は誰に向けて書かれていますか。

  1. 西陣(にしじん)オリヲン座
  2. 仙波留吉(せんばとめきち)とトヨ
  3. 地元が西陣の人々
  4. オリヲン座の客
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Correct Response: D. The words (to all our customers) appear at the end of the letter, clearly indicating that the letter is addressed to customers. The letter is an invitation to the last performance at the theater. The word (we, the Orionza) in the content as well as the name of the theater appear at the very last part of the letter, where it identifies the sender, indicating again that the letter is addressed to the customers of the Orionza.

Objective 0004 
Infer meaning and analyze information from a variety of culturally authentic printed and digital materials (e.g., e-mails, posters, Web sites, maps, graphs, periodicals, novels).

5. この手紙を読んだ人はこの後まず何をすると思いますか。

  1. 手紙の返事を書く。
  2. 別紙を読む。
  3. 最終興行(こうぎょう)に行く。
  4. お見舞いに行く。
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Correct Response: B. What the addressees will likely do can be predicted from the fact that the letter indicates where to look for the detailed information about the performance, (perform ・・・as per the attached sheet). Once the readers finish reading the letter, they will likely look at the attachment to find out more about the performance.

Objective 0004 
Infer meaning and analyze information from a variety of culturally authentic printed and digital materials (e.g., e-mails, posters, Web sites, maps, graphs, periodicals, novels).

6. Read the passage below from an article in the newspaper ; then answer the question that follows.


  1. ネットによって友だちとの友情が豊かになる。
  2. ネットは必ずしも豊かな友情をもたらさない。
  3. ネットを使うことではじめて豊かな友情が生まれる。
  4. ネットでつながっている限り豊かな友情が守られる。
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Correct Response: B. While the first sentence of the passage claims that the development of cyber society allows students to be connected to someone all the time, the second sentence warns that this connectivity does not necessarily lead to rich friendships ().

Objective 0005 
Apply knowledge of the process of second-language acquisition and how it relates to the language learner in the classroom.

7. Which of the following is an accurate restatement of Stephen Krashen's acquisition-learning hypothesis?

  1. Immersion in a target language and culture leads to acquisition of the target language when accompanied by study and instruction.
  2. Language learning and instruction are conscious and intentional activities, while language acquisition occurs on the subconscious level.
  3. Acquisition refers to the deep mastery of language that is characteristic of first-language ability; learning happens through second-language study.
  4. Receptive language activities—listening and reading—lead to acquisition, and speaking and writing skills develop through learning from instruction.
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Correct Response: B. According to Stephen Krashen, language learning occurs by studying the language systematically—for example, through explicit grammar or vocabulary lessons. Language acquisition happens when a person is immersed in a language, for example, when a child growing up acquires language through meaningful exchanges with his or her caregivers, or when an adult living abroad acquires a new language through meaningful exchanges at work, at stores, with neighbors, etc.

Use the information below to answer the three questions that follow.

As part of their study of forms and uses of the conditional, students in a fourth-year high school Japanese class must complete a minimum of three parts of the Tic-Tac-Toe choice board shown below.










Objective 0005 
Apply knowledge of the process of second-language acquisition and how it relates to the language learner in the classroom.

8. Which of the following activities is likely to be most appealing to a student whose preferred learning style is auditory?

  1. choice 3
  2. choice 5
  3. choice 7
  4. choice 9
Answer. Enter to expand or collapse. Answer expanded
Correct Response: C. Activity # 7 includes listening to a song and then completing a worksheet. The listening part of the activity is likely to be most appealing to a student whose preferred learning style is auditory.

Objective 0006 
Apply teaching and assessment strategies that provide students with opportunities to communicate in the target language in meaningful and authentic ways and that promote students' ability to reinforce and further their knowledge of other disciplines.

9. The primary advantage of using this type of instructional resource is that:

  1. students can select three activities that they enjoy doing with their friends.
  2. all of the activities require meaningful interpersonal communication.
  3. being able to choose activities guarantees that students will be engaged.
  4. it facilitates differentiation of instruction to accommodate all students.
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Correct Response: D. The Tic-Tac-Toe choice board is an instructional resource proposing nine different learning activities. The diversity of activities offered provides flexibility to accommodate students in accordance with their distinctive needs and learning styles, and for teachers to determine how they can best differentiate instruction for individual students as needed.


; a novel by (Jiro Asada). Reprinted with permission

. Comeda fosters friendship = Masaharu Sakakibara. Mainichi Shimbun November 05, 2015 Osaka Morning Paper. Reprinted with permission.