Study Guide

Field 251: World Language: Chinese (Mandarin) 
Sample Multiple-Choice Questions

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Directions for Multiple-Choice Questions

Each question in this section of the test is a multiple-choice question with four answer choices. The questions may be in English or in the target language. Read each question and answer choice carefully and choose the ONE best answer.

You should answer all questions. Even if you are unsure of an answer, it is better to guess than not to answer a question at all. You will NOT be penalized for guessing.

Select the Next button to continue.

Sample Multiple-Choice Questions

Read the passage below from Sinovision 美国中文网/美國中文網1; then answer the 4 questions that follow.




那么,到底每天要走多少步可以帮你达到长寿的目的呢?波士顿布莱根女性医院 (Brigham and Women's Hospital) 的专家们对这个问题较了真。他们跟踪调查了大约17000名平均年龄为72岁的女性,调查长达4年多,最后的结果显示:每天走大约4400步的女性,比走得少一些的(平均2700步)更长寿,4年内去世的机率少了41%。

在4400步的基础上,每天走得越多,死亡率也就更低,不过什么事都有限度,走路也是 —— 步数达到7500以后,再往上加就没什么意义了,对长寿的影响并不是很大。

另外专家们还发现,在每天走差不多步数的前提下,走快还是走慢对寿命也没有太大影响,也就是说, 你大可以选择自己喜欢的走路方式来锻炼。





那麼,到底每天要走多少步可以幫你達到長壽的目的呢?波士頓布萊根女性醫院 (Brigham and Women's Hospital) 的專家們對這個問題較了真。他們跟踪調查了大約17000名平均年齡為72歲的女性,調查長達4年多,最後的結果顯示:每天走大約4400步的女性,比走得少一些的(平均2700步)更長壽,4年內去世的機率少了41%。

在4400步的基礎上,每天走得越多,死亡率也就更低,不過什麼事都有限度,走路也是 —— 步數達到7500以後,再往上加就沒什麼意義了,對長壽的影響並不是很大。

另外專家們還發現,在每天走差不多步數的前提下,走快還是走慢對壽命也沒有太大影響,也就是說, 你大可以選擇自己喜歡的走路方式來鍛煉。

Objective 0004 
Infer meaning and analyze information from a variety of culturally authentic printed and digital materials (e.g., e-mails, posters, Web sites, maps, graphs, periodicals, novels).

"饭后百步走,活到九十九" 表达的是什么意思?
"飯後百步走,活到九十九" 表達的是什麼意思?

  1. 饭后散步可以延长寿命
  2. 老年人应避免进食后走路
  3. 饭后走走会带来好运
  4. 健康的饮食比老年人走路更好
Answer. Enter to expand or collapse. Answer expanded
Correct Response: A. The meaning of the expression is "walking a hundred steps after each meal will make one live until ninety-nine years old."

Objective 0003 
Demonstrate literal comprehension of a variety of culturally authentic printed and digital materials (e.g., e-mails, posters, Web sites, maps, graphs, periodicals, novels).

根据文章, 一万步的说法起源于:
根據文章, 一萬步的說法起源於:

  1. 日本的习俗
  2. 美国的医院
  3. 广告宣传
  4. 科学研究
Answer. Enter to expand or collapse. Answer expanded
Correct Response: C. In the second paragraph of the passage, the author claims that the term "10,000 steps" is a pedometer advertisement that originated in Japan decades ago ("事实上,一万步的说法只是起源于几十年前日本的一个计步器广告 / 事實上,一萬步的說法只是起源於幾十年前日本的一個計步器廣告").

Objective 0004 
Infer meaning and analyze information from a variety of culturally authentic printed and digital materials (e.g., e-mails, posters, Web sites, maps, graphs, periodicals, novels).


  1. "一万步显然只是厂家和广告商随口说说的"
  2. "他们跟踪调查了大约17000名女性,……长达4年多"
  3. "每天走得越多,死亡率也就更低"
  4. "你大可以选择自己喜欢的走路方式来锻炼"
Answer. Enter to expand or collapse. Answer expanded
Correct Response: B. The fact that the study was conducted with a large number of women and for more than four years is an indication of the seriousness of the project ("波士顿布莱根女性医院 (Brigham and Women's Hospital) 的专家们对这个问题较了真。他们跟踪调查了大约17000名平均年龄为72岁的女性,调查长达4年多 / 波士頓布萊根女性醫院 (Brigham and Women's Hospital) 的專家們對這個問題較了真。他們跟踪調查了大約17000名平均年齡為72歲的女性,調查長達4年多").

Objective 0004 
Infer meaning and analyze information from a variety of culturally authentic printed and digital materials (e.g., e-mails, posters, Web sites, maps, graphs, periodicals, novels).


  1. 计步器始终不准确。
  2. 日本人因走路而健康。
  3. 剧烈运动对于保持心脏健康至关重要。
  4. 每天走四千步对长寿产生积极影响。
Answer. Enter to expand or collapse. Answer expanded
Correct Response: D. The study concluded that walking about 4,000 steps each day has a significant positive impact on longevity ("最后的结果显示:每天走大约4400步的女性,比走得少一些的(平均2700步)更长寿,4年内去世的机率少了41%。 / 最後的結果顯示:每天走大約4400步的女性,比走得少一些的(平均2700步)更長壽,4年內去世的機率少了41%。").

Objective 0005 
Apply knowledge of the process of second-language acquisition and how it relates to the language learner in the classroom.

5. Which of the following is an accurate restatement of Stephen Krashen's acquisition-learning hypothesis?

  1. Language learning and instruction are conscious and intentional activities, while language acquisition occurs on the subconscious level.
  2. Immersion in a target language and culture leads to acquisition of the target language when accompanied by study and instruction.
  3. Acquisition refers to the deep mastery of language that is characteristic of first-language ability; learning happens through second-language study.
  4. Receptive language activities—listening and reading—lead to acquisition, and speaking and writing skills develop through learning from instruction.
Answer. Enter to expand or collapse. Answer expanded
Correct Response: A. According to Stephen Krashen, language learning occurs by studying the language systematically, e.g., through explicit grammar or vocabulary lessons. Language acquisition happens when a person is immersed in a language, for example, when a child growing up acquires language through meaningful exchanges with his or her caregivers, or when an adult living abroad acquires a new language through meaningful exchanges at work, at stores, with neighbors, etc.

Use the information below to answer the 3 questions that follow.

As part of their study of the "  baa " ( / ) structure, students in an Intermediate-High-level Chinese class must complete a minimum of three parts of the Tic-Tac-Toe choice board shown below.

Name blank space  Date  blank space 

Choose 3 (or more!) activities that form a "Tic-Tac-Toe" to be completed in class.

I will do #  blank space , #  blank space  and #  blank space . (And also #  blank space )


Role-play situations in which the " baa " ( / ) structure is used.


Complete a worksheet converting sentences into the " baa " ( / ) structure.


Identify which written sentences can use the " baa " ( / ) structure and which cannot use the " baa " structure.


Listen to a recording of a story and identify when the " baa " ( / ) structure is used.


Use a picture to tell a story using as many " baa " ( / ) structures as possible.


Watch a video and write a short paragraph summarizing the activity, incorporating the " baa " ( / ) structure into the summary.


Correct written sentences in which the " baa " ( / ) structure is used incorrectly.


Rearrange the puzzle pieces into the correct order that uses the " baa " ( / ) structures.


Highlight all the " baa " ( / ) structure sentences from the text provided.

Teacher's comments:

Objective 0005 
Apply knowledge of the process of second-language acquisition and how it relates to the language learner in the classroom.

6. Which of the following activities is likely to be most appealing to a student whose preferred learning style is auditory?

  1. choice 4
  2. choice 5
  3. choice 7
  4. choice 9
Answer. Enter to expand or collapse. Answer expanded
Correct Response: A. Activity #4 includes listening to a story and completing an exercise. The listening part of the activity is likely to be most appealing to a student whose preferred learning style is auditory.

Objective 0006 
Apply teaching and assessment strategies that provide students with opportunities to communicate in the target language in meaningful and authentic ways and that promote students' ability to reinforce and further their knowledge of other disciplines.

7. The primary advantage of using this type of instructional resource is that:

  1. students can select three activities that they enjoy doing with their friends.
  2. all of the activities require meaningful interpersonal communication.
  3. being able to choose activities guarantees that students will be engaged.
  4. it facilitates differentiation of instruction to accommodate all students.
Answer. Enter to expand or collapse. Answer expanded
Correct Response: D. The Tic-Tac-Toe choice board is an instructional resource proposing nine different learning activities. The diversity of activities offered provides flexibility to accommodate students in accordance with their distinctive needs and learning styles, and for teachers to determine how they can best differentiate instruction for individual students as needed.

Objective 0006 
Apply teaching and assessment strategies that provide students with opportunities to communicate in the target language in meaningful and authentic ways and that promote students' ability to reinforce and further their knowledge of other disciplines.

8. Which of the following features of the choice board is most supportive of Advanced-level learners?

  1. space for teacher feed baa ck
  2. varied types of activities
  3. possibility of doing extra activities
  4. option to choose own partners
Answer. Enter to expand or collapse. Answer expanded
Correct Response: C. According to the instructions that accompany the choice board, students must complete three learning activities and are encouraged to complete an additional activity. The option of completing the additional activity provides advanced learners with the opportunity to further expand their learning experience.


1Sinovision 美国中文网/美國中文網. 每天到底走多少步能长寿?答案来了. May 5, 2019. Available at: