What Tests Do I Need to Take?

Licensure requirements are subject to change as a result of legislative action and administrative rule change. This website reflects requirements in effect at the time of publication. Consult your college advisor, licensure officer, regional office of education, or the Illinois State Board of Education (I S B E) website link opens in a new window for the most recent information regarding licensure requirements.

It is the individual's responsibility to take the appropriate test(s). If you have questions about which test(s) you are required to take, contact your college advisor, your licensure officer, or the regional office of education through which you are applying for licensure.

Out-of-state and out-of-country applicants will be advised via a deficiency letter as to which tests are required for licensure.

Who Is Required to Take the Tests?

Passing the required licensure tests is one component of the process for licensure in the state of Illinois. In addition to passing these tests, a candidate for licensure must complete all required coursework in an Illinois-approved educator preparation program and complete the field and clinical experience requirements. In addition, successful completion of a content test in the area of teaching assignment is one means of becoming "highly qualified" under the No Child Left Behind (NCLB) Act. For more information, please visit the I S B E website link opens in a new window.

When to Take the Tests

If you are in an Illinois-approved educator preparation program, you should consult with your college advisor or licensure officer about the best time for taking all ILTS tests. For more information, please visit the ISBE website link opens in a new window.

All other licensure candidates—those from out of state and experienced Illinois teachers seeking additional licenses—should remember that they will not receive a license until they have successfully completed the required tests and complied with all other requirements. For further information regarding out-of-state licensure requirements consult the ISBE website link opens in a new window.

edTPA logo

The edTPA requirement for Illinois has been eliminated through August 31, 2025.

SB 1488 was signed into law August 4, 2023, and is now PA 103-0488 link opens in a new window. This law eliminates the edTPA immediately and through August 31, 2025. The edTPA is no longer required for in-state program completers or out-of-state applicants.

However, Illinois Institutions of Higher Education have the autonomy to require the edTPA as a component of their required program. If you have any questions about whether or not your program requires the edTPA, please reach out to the Licensure Officer at your institution.

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