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Interpreting Candidate Test Results

Reporting for Institutions
Following each score reporting date, the secure reporting website for institutions is populated with updated examinee results data. The information made available on this site is reported expressly for use by preparation program faculty and administrators, and is therefore kept secure. The data provide information on those candidates who, during the registration process, indicated that the institution or organization should receive their test results.
Authorized users of the score-reporting system may view, analyze, reorganize, download, and print reports based on test results data and on background information gathered during test registration, and therefore have the ability to generate custom reports for themselves. The system allows users to access candidate, test, and program data, giving them the capability to:
- Create relevant and timely reports on candidate and institution test results
- Customize data queries to align with institution goals and areas of interest
- Aggregate performance data across testing program years
- Export data to Microsoft® Excel or other report software and print graphics
- Analyze candidate and institution data for numerous variables (including self-reported data such as gender and ethnicity)
Test Results Information for Candidates
With each score report, candidates are sent an explanation of how to read and interpret their scores. Additional information to help explain the scoring and reporting process to candidates is also available on this website.
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